Some time ago David Woods voiced his excitement over the Eisenkern APC. I recently received a couple of T1 test shots to go over from Wargames Factory China and immediately thought of David when thinking about who should paint one for the box art.

I contacted David and was very pleased to hear he would paint one up for me. Shipping to the UK went well and David, being a very seasoned modeler dove right in without assembly instructions. We had a chance to talk and I was able to quickly take a few screen shots of an exploded kit in Rhino to aid with some of the more complicated assemblies but I have my doubts that he would have needed them.

He will not be painting up the crew, as the crew is in mold cut as we speak and it would take far too long to paint up twelve infantry to David’s exacting standards.

You can view David’s blog to see how the assembly and paint work is going

Needless to say I am very excited to have him working on this project. Thank you David!
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