Revised Female Stormtroopers!

Don’t worry, I was just having a little fun with you and the industry…
On a more serious note; I posted a survey to the KS backers asking if they wanted me to shrink the size of the females at the expense of compatibility between current and future releases such as the Stormtrooper Accessory Set, the Support Weapons set and pretty much anything that is made for the male troopers, it looks like 72%, the overwhelming majority prefer the full size to keep compatibility between current and future releases.

Part of me was really wishing it would not matter and we could tweak on the scale and shoulder width but at $15k per mold I simply cannot promise that the girls would get the support they deserve in the future releases, so it is probably for the best.

It seems the main complaint is the shoulder width, I agree. Unfortunately, the shoulder width is a fixed point that cannot be modified without effecting the kits cross compatibility. With that in mind I want back in and tweaked what I could. I brought the head size down to more closely match the males, pulled the waist in slightly and made the shoulder pads smaller.

Here is a new render of the tweaked female and the original male model, when viewing these it is best to keep in mind that the way the eye perceives a real world object and a flat image is very different. What looks too fat or squat on the screen is likely to look about right when the model is in your hand or on the table. I have made numerous prints and this is always the case. When I approach a model I keep this fact in mind and adjust accordingly.


All the best!

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