Bleary eyed and I hope just a little wiser I woke to the first full day of 2014. I laid there for a while, thinking back, reflecting on all that has happened over the last year, what a ride! What an amazing adventure!

I have all of you to thank for it.  When I reflect on everything accomplished so far I know just how fortunate I am to be doing what I am doing. Plastic model kits… are you kidding me! How fracking awesome is that!? When we complete stage three, there will be 34 kits in total…. Let that sink in for a moment…. 34 new kits!

I am excited about what the New Year may bring and hopeful that the coming year will see a new faction and at the very least a Beta of Iron Core for all of you to help me break and fix. I hope that we can create a game worthy of the tremendous effort that has been made so far and the mountain of work that lay ahead; one that all of you will be proud enough of to call your own and  one that you know you helped to make a reality.

I am truly grateful to have your help and support. THANK YOU!

Just before the Christmas holiday, Wargames Factory China was kind enough to send me a gift. To be precise, John my account supervisor pulled some resources together, painted up some Stormtroopers and 15mm scale Leviathan Morti (?) and posed them on some awesome Tablescapes boards.

As many of you may know WGF are making the Tablescapes for our friend Justin over at Secret Weapons. Justin lives fairly local to me and I have had the great pleasure of spending some time with him, discussing mold work and musings of our little corner of the hobby. He makes some great bases and I am excited to see the Tablescapes boards making their way to their backers.

This is my first look at the assembled 15mm scale Mortis and seeing them painted up and ready for serious havoc vs the 28mm scale Stormtroopers was a real treat. Thank you John!

 Med center

 15mm Scale Leviathan Mortis

 Nicely detailed Secret Weapons Tablescapes

Thank you again for all your support, thank you to WGF for helping me make some fantastic products and thank you John for the great Christmas shots.

All the best,
Mark Mondragon

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