The last version till yet which takes place under the whole hearts in POP versions is Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands. Till know this is last part and was published by Ubisoft gaming producers in 2012 for PC and XBOX consoles. Odd and precious things are Prince of Persia Sands of Time 1st one, Prince of Persia Warrior Within third part, Prince of Persia The Two Thrones combination of these both and Prince of Persia 2008 which was published before. They were previous published facts which are now becoming old versions due to back released dating's. I am sorry about it because it is highly compressed version download installment which is being uploaded Today. Searching many new terms on the internet and exploring web forced me to upload it due to no full version and free file. But don't worry it will be downloaded more easily because highly compressed files reduction for much size. Many peoples are obsessed and thus fail in realizing this fact why we should play highly compressed? Than they go ahead on another website which don't have a working file implementation due to focusing on quantity.
Characters inside this game are very strange and unknown means different from all others. Advance features such as skip game scene and restoring files from there or original store lets us have more fun and happiness. This fact employs about sharpness and brightness inside main story which stranger carries along with his journey. Peoples usually assume these things and thus fail in utilizing for its facts and figures. Kindly please if you are new in this version than please follow guidelines for installation method given inside tutorial. Because many newbie don't understand about downloading method and thus gets fail installation menu overview. After all happens this they comment that this isn't working and when we give video link. They get knowledge, implement and than when game runs on there PC than they apologize for their work.
System Requirements
Operating System = Windows XP, Windows 7+8 and Windows Vista 32 and 64 Bit
Ram (Random Access Memory) = 1 GB
Total Disk Memory Required = 12 GB
Video Memory (VGA Card) = 256 MB 512 MB Recommended