Finally dispatched to second filter installment named as download project IGI 2 covert strike PC and a time has come. Before going to upward position I must also show Project IGI 1 which was also uploaded recently and hope you liked that one to because its working features such as sounds, cut scenes and graphics design was good. Moreover this was really easy to install therefore kindly give a good feedback while opening that download page. I have move a bit to long on the previous topic so lets talk about this second part which is my advice. Play its first part because this installment has an extra options in weapon script system otherwise story of first installment is very good as compared to this one. Today by wasting your and my precious time I will just head over to get this development section and I am tired due to this reason.
IGI 2 Covert Strike PC Game Free Download
As I already said earlier there is no problem because files uploaded on my server and website are clean. These are clear and tested to be virus free but keep this in mind installing an extra program on your PC can slow down so be ready while installing some new programs on your PC. First read the system requirements and match them to PC which you are using than proceed to file page.System Requirements
Operating System (OS) = Windows XP, Windows 7+8 and Windows Vista 32 and 64 Bit
Ram (Random Access Memory) = 256 MB
Total Disk Memory Required = 2.5 GB
Video Memory (VGA Card) = 64 MB