Shaun over at Tanks and trolls posted up a wonderfully painted Crusader on our forum.
Please feel free to drop by and see the other great work can conversions.

Shaun has far more painting skill than myself and does one hell of a job turning a Crusader into a GK titan. 

Here is what he had to say:
“Made a little time between commission work to knock out this Crusader, another ticked off the list!
Went together like a dream and fun to paint, will be putting some pennies by to bag Dreamforge’s Mortis model in the future. 

Decided to go with a GK theme to compliment my ever growing forces but tried to keep it pretty generic so as to be able to use it in pretty much any gaming system that requires a giant death dealing war machine!

Or even a replacement Dreadknight for those people that thought the standard GW ones were a little anorexic and required a month at the gym (well this is the result)

Besides...I like shiny”

All I have to say is, WOW! Hats off to you, thats one hell of a paint job!
I encourage you to go check out Shaun’s site. Lots more pics and not just DreamForge stuff. Awsome collection and some amazing painting chops!

When overkill just wont due....Double gunnin gets it done
Someone say overkill? guess I spoke too soon...
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