Life is Strange Episode 5 Free Download
Life is Strange Episode 5 is the 5th installment in this series that was released for PC, Play Station 3 and XBOX. This 5th installment was developed by Dontnod Entertainment Studios and published by Square Enix Studios. In this installment there is a girl who says that she can rewind time at any time she want. It is just like an interactive drama graphic adventure video game that is based only on a single girl. As you know that, there is 1 hero in each and every installment, so this is just like that.

Life is Strange Episode 5 PC Game Screenshots

Life is Strange Episode 5 Setup Download
This is the girl on which the whole story is based on, you can see her in this screenshot. She always think only 1 thing in her mind that is: "I can rewind back time at any moment I want" but is this happened? No because these things not happen in real life.
Life is Strange Episode 5 PC Game Free Download
You can see in this screenshot, this girl tries to kill her with this pistol and says that if you can rewind time, then please rewind this scene too. She then says that when I will get killed, how can I rewind that scene? Then the girl stops and let her evade from that place safe and sound.
Life is Strange Episode 5 Kickass
This boy also plays an active role in this installment, his work is also like that girl who is the main character in this installment. There is also an love affair system implemented in this version because this is just like a real life story mode.
Life is Strange Episode 5 Free Download Full Version
In this screenshot you can see this boy and girl, language displayed on this screenshot is Spanish, but don't worry when you will play this game, there will be no Spanish or any other language present, there will be only English language.

How To Download Life is Strange Episode 5 Game For PC

This file consists a torrent file and you must have a torrent software installed on your computer to get the file of this installment, otherwise you will not be able to download this file.

How To Install?

Installation process of this installment is also very easy, you need to follow these steps that I will explain and believe me, this is really easy, no one can you stop you playing this when you will install just like this.

System Requirements

Operating System (OS) = Windows XP, Windows 7+8 and Windows Vista 32 and 64 Bit
Processor = 2.33 Intel Core 2 Duo
RAM (Random Access Memory) = 2 GB
Total Disk Space Required = 18 GB
Video Memory (Graphics Card) = 256 MB

Download Button
OCT 17th through OCT 27th
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Mafia 3 Cover Photo
Mafia 3 is the third installment in this series and is released for PC, Play Station 3, Play Station 4 and XBOX One. This is an awesome installment in the whole series and it is developed and published by 2K Studios. This is the only installment that includes some high feature graphics and mechanism. In this article I will show you some screenshots that are awesome and show how this installment is linked.

Mafia 3 PC Game Screenshots

Mafia 3 Free Download For PC
This is a new feature implemented, you can see how the police officers arrest suspicious person. They first take him out and order to lay down his legs and one officer comes to check his pockets, whether he has any arms or not, then they arrest suspicious person, this is the real fact and now this fact is applied in this installment.
Mafia 3 Free Download No Survey
In this screenshot you can see how the gang fight is started and gang members are shooting each other, our player has aimed his rifle to his enemy and now he is shooting his enemy. In this version there are a lot of gang fights between every opponent gang.
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This is an overview of car and police chase, in this mission police chases our car and we have to evade from police because when police succeeds in catching our player, mission is failed and all of our gang members are caught by the police.
Mafia 3 PC Game Free Download
This is the picture of gang fight and you can see how the gang members have took place in the whole area. They are surrounded around this building and every gang member is trying to kill those enemies who are hided inside this building.

How To Download Mafia 3 Game For PC

Installation process is very easy, just you need to have complete file of this installment. If you don't have the complete file, then you cannot play because there is no file to be installed. Simple!

System Requirements

Operating System (OS) = Windows XP (SP 3), Windows 7+8 and Windows Vista 32 and 64 Bit
Processor = 1.8 Intel Core 2 Quad
RAM (Random Access Memory) = 4 GB
Total Disk Space Required = 50 GB
Video Memory (VGA Card) = 1 GB

Another fantastic review by Brückenkopf - Thank you Christian!
Unfortunately I have been tied up with other details so I missed the initial review on October 5th.

 I will to go into that in my next post did a few days from now.

For now, enjoy this in depth review with 68 photos! I can only imagine how much work Christian put into this review.... hats off to you sir.

Review was run through Google translate so there may be a few oddities in speech or phrase :)



From Brückenkopf: head on over to see the full size shots!

Today, it is large and image-intensive. We have once again put together a great review for you!

Today we take the massive boar head of APC Dreamforge Games before:
Manufacturer: Dream Forge Games Product: boar head APC Price: $ 65.00 (in Germany ungeführ 58.00 to 65.00 Euro) Material: hard plastic

$ 65 is a lot of wood. So what do you get for your money? Such is the content of the box:
There are tires and a screwdriver - iron core veterans are expected to no longer wonder about the Latter Because at Dreamforge Often screws are used for moving parts.
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Then there are some major body parts:
And several cast frame:
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So there are two cast frame for the crew and the passengers. These are compatible with the other Ironcore Troopers:
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To see some details:
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The box is really tightly packed, and the sheer number of components can hope to enjoy the building process (or before shudder). We have assembled for you Completely Documented.
Unfortunately, the first edition of the model comes right at the start with a handicap: The instruction is incorrect and it is strongly advised to download on updated manual is at Dreamforge Games:
We start with the riders:
Then it goes to the substructure and the cockpit Further:
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This is Followed by the benches for passengers who Actually complete and fit in the vehicle (8 seats behind each a seat next to the front doors)!
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Next, the two front doors follow:
And then the sidewalls:
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It continued with the motor section and the rear door:
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Now it what time for the wheels. The tires are made of rubber and can be combined with The Two rim halves:
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Here the wheels are fixed later:
The front wheels are swiveling and have a working handlebar:
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Finally it what time tighten the wheels, and then cover the screws with additional components:
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This was Followed by the wheelarches:
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After that, only missing the roof of the model, Which has four working hatches for crewmembers. What you do not see here: Inside the boar head located at the guards of the four passengers folding steps, on Which Actually iron core Soldiers Can Be Placed, Which can then protrude from the hatches and fire:
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The APC is armed with a machine gun tower, Which is built as follows:
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The joints are fixed herewith The Small, transparent plastic pins, diedie joints in position but keep fully articulated.
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As you can see, I have omitted the passengers, Their Components I want to use profitably elsewhere (as crew for Heavy Weapons, to mission objectives or terrain pieces, etc ...).
Size comparison:
This time we have borrowed for a size comparison Baneblade and a Leman Russ. As you can see, the boar head straight in comparison to the imperial standard tanks is extremely massive, dimensions of a super heavy tank, but it does not reach.
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Another picture with comparative Minis follows below.
In the painting of the boar head I wanted to try another product, Which for far too long on my painting table is: The new stencils of PK-Pro. I already had experience with Anarchy-Stencils, the masking of PK-Pro was me but new.
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The model which primed black, with a very dark gray for minimal highlighting (Airbrush) and then covered with the stencils. The Maskierflicken adhered without problems We could be processed very pleasant. Following the model in two stages what Gray and Light Gray airbrushed before the patches were removed.
The PK-Pro Stencils have this works without any problems, theywere easy to apply and remove, and the masking effect which flawless. Definitely an alternative to other manufacturers! At the end I had for the whole model just one eighth of the stencils used up (I have it, They Dispensed again to the carrier film to puzzles) - You Could Easily quite mask the vehicles to army so with a charge.
Here are highlights, details, pigments and all sorts of bells and whistles, until the model finally Looked like this:
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The transparent-blue discs were stained red with Tamiya Clear Red, Which theyhave unfortunately become uneven, but the tone fits better with the rest of the troops.
What's left to do?
  • Details correct, improve a little here and there
  • Revise the lights
  • The body of the driver by Hardplastic Enforcer replace (the APC is part of my Enforcer Force)
Wow, That was a really huge project. The Boars Head is a powerful incredibly large model with many loving details. Almost everything is movable to him, and all the areas are fully modeled. Doors, hatches, steps, hood and turret - really everything can be moved.
The parts of the model are all poured almost perfectly and the number of mold lines is minimal. The fit is impressive and the assembly goes smoothly by hand. Dreamforge Games show here once again thatthey are in terms of plastic casting long can compete with the greats of the industry.
Of course, thesis benefits come at a price, and with around 58-65 euros the boar head is definitely to expensive model. Because of the sheer mass of parts, the perfect workmanship and the factthat Dreamforge Games are silent on extremely small company with limited opportunities for cross-financing, the price is understandable, the purchase of a Keilerkops makes itself but CLEARLY the purse noticeable.
From us there at this point but a clear buy recommendation. If you like the look of the wild boar head and on alternative APC of studied for its sci-fi or Pulp troupe doing here is absolutely nothing wrong and can look forward to a great kit.
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