Cloud computing allows a software application to be operated using internet-enabled devices. Clouds can be classified as public, private and mixed.
Cloud computing based on the sharing of resources to achieve consistency and economies of scale, similar to the tool (such as the electricity grid) over a network. in the foundation of cloud computing is a broader concept of converged infrastructure and common services.Cloud computing, or in shorthand simpler just "cloud", also it focuses on maximizing the use of shared resources. Usually does not participate only cloud of resources by multiple users, but also a vital re-allocated on demand. This can work on the allocation of resources to users. For example, a cloud data center that serve users in Europe during the European hours of work with a particular application (such as e-mail) may re-assign the same resources to serve customers in North America North America during working hours with another application (such as a web server). This approach must be to achieve the maximum benefit of computing power and thus reducing environmental damage and since less power and cooling, rack space, etc.

There is a need for a variety of functions. With cloud computing, you can access to several one server to retrieve and update their data without having to buy licenses for various applications users.The term "transition to cloud" also refers to the organization away from the traditional model of capitalism (buy dedicated hardware and amortized over a period of time) to model operating expenses (use cloud infrastructure and common pay as you use).Supporters claim that cloud computing allows companies to avoid the infrastructure costs in advance, and to focus on projects that differentiate their business rather than on infrastructure. His supporters also argue that cloud computing allows companies to get practical applications faster, with better management and less maintenance, and allows them to adapt more resources to meet fluctuating demand and the inability to predict the business quickly. providers generally use model "pay as you go cloud". This can lead to higher expenses unexpectedly if administrators do not adapt to cloud pricing model.
This availability of high-capacity networks, and low-cost computers, and storage devices, as well as widespread adoption of virtual machines, SOA and autonomic computing and interest led to the growth in cloud computing. companies can develop as IT must then increase the size of the decline in new claims.Cloud providers have a 50% growth in the year
Cloud computing History
Origin of the term
The origin of the term cloud computing is not clear. It is commonly used in the expression science clouds to describe a large block of objects that appear visually remotely like a cloud, and describes any group of things that are not subject to inspection again in the context specific details. Another reason is that surrounded the old programs to draw icons for network servers with circle plans, was a group of servers in a network diagram many overlapping circles, which are similar in the cloud .
Compared to the use of the above have been using the word cloud as a symbol of the Internet and used as a form of unified cloud to indicate network plans on the phone later to depict the Internet in computer network diagrams. With this simplification, and that means the details of how to connect the network endpoint are not relevant for understanding the scheme. Internet cloud to represent the symbol was used in early 1994 , which show connected servers and then, but of Foreign Affairs, the cloud.References to cloud computing have emerged in the modern sense in early 1996, with the oldest known mention in an internal Compaq.
Extension of the term can be traced back to 2006 when foot elastic retirement account.
In the 1950s
The underlying concept of cloud computing dates to the 1950s, when he was spotted mainframe largely on the future of computing, and became available in universities and companies, may be accessed via a thin client devices / computer, often called "dumb terminals," because they were used for communication without internal processing capability. To make more efficient use of expensive large, the practice allows many users to share both physical access to the computer has evolved from several stations, as well as time and CPU. Eliminate these periods of inactivity on the mainframe and enabled a greater return on investment. It has become a practice to share the CPU time on sharing the Central time known in the industry and time sharing In the mid-70s, and popularly known as EJN (start telecommuting), and was associated this label often with major suppliers such as IBM and December and put IBM OS VM to provide time sharing services.
In the 1990s
In the 1990s, dedicated communication, which was presented by the companies services began in the first place data from point to point, and provide a virtual private network (VPN) service with the same quality of service but at a lower cost. Using traffic transfer as they see fit to achieve a balance between the use of a server, they can be used for total network bandwidth more efficiently. They started using the cloud symbol to denote the demarcation point between the provider is responsible for what users were responsible. Cloud computing extends this boundary to cover all servers and network infrastructure.
As computers become more common, scientists and technologists to explore ways to make the computing power is widely available to the largest number of users through the sharing to time. They experimented with algorithms to improve infrastructure, platform and application processors to identify priorities and improve efficiency for end users.
Since 2000, cloud computing came into existence. In early 2008, OpenNebula to be strengthened in a project funded by the reservoir of the European Commission, and became the first open-source program for deploying private and hybrid clouds, and clouds of Union. In the same year, and focused on providing the quality of service guarantees (as required by interactive applications in real time) to the cloud infrastructure, as part of a project funded by IRMOS the European Commission, resulting in a cloud environment in real time. In mid-2008, Gartner saw an opportunity for cloud computing "to form a relationship between the IT service consumers, those who use IT services and those who sell them." , he noted that "organizations spend hardware and software belonging to the assets of the company for use in models" so that "the passage provided to computing ... will result in significant growth in IT products in some areas and large cuts in other areas on the basis of service. "Microsoft Azure is available since the end of 2008.In July 2010, Rackspace Hosting and NASA jointly launched cloud OpenStack open source initiative known as the source. OpenStack project aims to help institutions to offer cloud computing services running on standard hardware. The first symbol of the NASA Nebula platform and the platform in Rackspace Cloud Files.
On March 1, 2011, IBM announced that the IBM SmartCloud framework to support smarter planet. [26] Among the various components of the institution Smarter Computing, cloud computing is an important part.On June 7, 2012, Oracle announced Oracle Cloud. Although aspects of Oracle Cloud is still in the development process, and constitute the cloud offer to be the first to provide users with access to a full range of IT solutions, including applications (r) , the platform (parts of affected) the amount, structure of the infrastructure (IaaS) layer.