From their site:

All Wargame Factory and DreamForge-Games products on sale for 25% off!

Use the discount code of conspecial in our webstore shopping cart to receive the discount.

Buy 5 or more of our Rising Sun products and receive a free copy of the War and Conquest rule book! ($45 dollar value!)

PLEASE NOTE: War and Conquest will not be shown in shopping cart. It will be added by our shipping staff at time of shipment.)
When the Valkir need some extra muscle, they call on the Valkir Support squads to do the heavy lifting.

Here we can see the five Valkir Support Troopers that will be included in the box set.

Here we have mash up of Support Trooper/ Assault Trooper and the Stahl helm with a changed configuration of the tabard with ammo packs.

Today I had an opportunity to assemble a five man Valkir Assault Squad. My apologies for the out of focus guns on a few images but my camera skills are wanting. I think I will try manual focus next time and see where that gets me.


In the last update I showed you shots of the sprues that China kindly provided me.

This afternoon I received A few copies of the T1 shots and dove right in. This was the first figure I assembled because I have a test print available for comparisons. It went together with no fussing and I can honestly say it is better than my dusty test print.

I was so pleased with the early T1 that I needed to take some shots and post an update.

The only issue I found was the fill on the commander’s sword, they are aware of this issue and adjusting the runner to deal with it.

Through this week, as time allows I will assemble a squad of Assault and a squad of Support troopers in their normal states as well as in a few of the optional states to show the Stahl helm and tabard/equipment options.


And because I know someone will ask....

I am very happy to show you some previews of the Heavy Trooper ‘Valkir Assault’ and ‘Valkir Support’ sprues. These are T1, so there will be some cleanup and adjustments made before they are production ready.

Wargames Factory China is sending me some T1’s for assembly so I hope to have some shots late next week of some assembled Valkir heavies.

The 20 man Valkir set is still in milling. The APC add-on kits, the Command Squad and the female Stormtroopers are still in engineering for mold split.
To celebrate the 4th of July Holiday we are offering  30% off  all our products through Sunday! Link to Sale


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