I hope all of you have an out of this world Holiday

X-Files Santa autopsy?

I woke up this morning and the world is still here but the forum and shopping cart databases seemed to have come to an Apocalypse of their own :)

We are working on getting that fixed.

This is a HUGE kit, the box is 12"X10"X10"!

You can see by the use of stacking trays, foam and a vacuum formed insert, we have taken great care to protect your investment.


The screws are used on ball joints and other components that need tension to work properly.
You can quite literally leave this kit poseable for months or years of play if you choose, the tension created by the ball joints is more than enough to have the kit retain its pose. At any point a drop or two of model cement will lock everything into a fixed pose, but until you decide exactly what pose you would like… you are free to play.

Watching the legs and torso move with working hydraulics is a pretty fun experience ;)
As of today we estimate stage one will arrive in the WGF Utah warehouse the last week of January.

I will have more pics to post as they come in from WGF China.

Here are a few shots of Ada, a Kickstarter special mini and the first of the female Stormtroopers to see plastic.


I am currently elbow deep in prepping stage three models for the Kickstarter, I must apologize for not being on top of my emails, as this aspect takes me away from the day to day operations.

I thought it would be best to give an expected release date here so that you have some frame of reference when these kits will be available for general purchase. The Kickstarter backers are my main priority but all the kits will hit the supply chain shortly after the backer’s items have been shipped.

I do not have retail pricing yet, and will likely not have them until each phase is ready to head out the door.

Stage 1 release: February
28mm scale Leviathan Crusader

28mm scale left hand Vulkan

10 man rifle squad

20 man Stormtrooper set

Stormtrooper accessory set

Eisenkern support weapons set


Stage 2 release: March
28mm scale Leviathan Mortis

28mm scale Leviathan weapons

·         Beowulf/Grendel

·         HEL Cannon

·         Nova Cannon

·         Ripper Saw

·         Mauler claw (left and right)

15mm scale Crusader

15mm scale Mortis

15mm scale Leviathan Weapons

·         Beowulf/Grendel

·         HEL Cannon

·         Nova Cannon

·         Ripper Saw

·         Mauler claw (left and right)


Stage 3 release: May

Eisenkern Command squad

Valkir heavy troopers

Heavy trooper support squad

Heavy trooper assault squad

Eisenkern APC

APC upgrade kits

·         Stuka Zu Fuss

·         Zeus
Female Stormtroopers

On to the fun stuff….

Here are some shots of the completed plastics courtesy of WGF China. I will add more shots as they become available.

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