I have been sorely lacking in my posts as of late… It’s not because of a lack of things to do. I have been working on many CAD models and making molds for the 15mm scale Crusader. Casting up a Leviathan to convert to a fixed posed model. Busy, busy, busy….
I still have Three Leviathan Crusaders and one Mortis left. If you want one, it may be a good time to pick one up; I will likely be discontinuing the fully poseable Leviathans for a more static pose version. If I continue to produce the fully poseable version, it will likely see a price increase for that option.

Here is a sneak peak of the upcoming 32mm Stormtroopers for the Eisenkern faction. You can find the Kriegsmarine drop trooper in an earlier post.


Here is a Wehrmacht storm trooper with the Kriegsmarine legs.

And just for a bit of fun….

I have 5 Leviathan Crusaders and 1 Leviathan Mortis on hand.

I also have available as accessories: 1 Scythe, 1 Sword, 1 Right hand Vulkan, 1 Left Hand Vulkan, 1 Right hand Mauler, 1 Left Hand Mauler.

Just wanted to say thank you to all my customers, the feedback has been great and I hope you all enjoy your kits.

All the best!
All customers for batch one through three have been shipped. I hope to close out batch four customers in the coming week, along with all orders that came in after the preorders.

Thank you all, for your patients!
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