I recently had the opportunity to work with Bob over at Comfy Chair Games. He is expanding his miniature line for W.I.L.D. fire, a 6mm mech combat game, and he needed a digital sculptor to flesh out his designs. Normally this is handled by the skilled hands of John Bear Ross (see my feed area to the right), as JBR’s plate is full at the moment he opened up a couple of accounts that were in need of some immediate work.
Here are a couple of examples of the work I completed for Bob at Comfy Chair; I cannot take credit for the designs, only the CAD execution of his vision. You can see the sketches Bob provided and the final CAD models built to his specifications. The building is one of four designs he wanted to produce; they are a clean lined and modern structure of the near future. The mech is the first flying creation in his current line. The other mech designs can be seen over at JBR’s blog page.